Contact us.

Everything starts with an idea. Are you an artist looking to exhibit at our gallery? Or do you have an idea you'd like to collaborate on with us? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist and work with you.


+251 929 009 002 |+251913391489

Frequently asked questions

  • To exhibit your artwork at Artawi Gallery, please follow these steps:

    1. Submit a photo of each artwork you wish to exhibit, along with detailed information including:

    - A written explanation or story about the work

    - Size and materials used

    - Price range

    *Ensure all artworks submitted are available.

    2. Include an artist statement.

    3. Provide a bio.

    4. Include your CV.

    5. Provide your contact information, including social media, website, phone number, and email.

    Compile all these documents into a single PDF and email it to

    Your submission will go through a review process by anonymous jurors, and the Artawi team will inform you if the gallery decides to exhibit your work.

  • Artawi believes in supporting artists, so the artist will receive 70% of the sales price of the artworks. Artawi will retain 30% to cover the exhibition costs.

  • Artawi aims to provide opportunities for many artists by keeping exhibition periods short. Each exhibition lasts for 3 weeks, allowing more artists to showcase their work.


Bole brass, around British international school or 250m in from Yod abyssinia, Kkare Homes, 2nd Floor, (in an under-construction building)
